
 ÖGHD projects



Zeitschrift für Hochschuldidaktik No. 1-2/1996

Quality of Teaching in Higher Education

Proceedings of the Workshop at the Medical School Graz and Further Contributions

Editors: Richard MÄRZ and Jörg-Ingolf STEIN

Table of contents:

Central Topic:
Quality of Teaching in Higher Education

Volltext Richard März | Quality of Teaching in Higher Education - the Workshop and the Evaluation Issue (german only)

Volltext Jörg-Ingolf Stein (Graz, Austria)
Quality of Teaching in Higher Education
A Look at the Workshop and the Direction of Future Developments (german only)

Part I:
The Lectures of the Workshop Teaching in Higher Education

AbstractVolltext Florian Eitel (Munich, Germany)
Quality Management of Medical Teachingfull article, german only ]

AbstractVolltext Wim H. Gijselaers (Maastricht, Netherlands)
Fundamental Considerations of the Evaluation Process: | full article ]

AbstractVolltext William Fulton | Fundamental Considerations of the Evaluation Process: | full article ]

AbstractVolltext Lambert W.T. Schuwirth | C.P.M. van der Leuten (Maastricht, Netherlands)
Quality Control: Assessment and Examinationsfull article ]

AbstractVolltext Gottfried S. Csanyi | Richard März | Evaluating the Teaching of the Medical School of the University of Vienna (ELM-Project Application)[ full article, german only ]

Volltext Florian Eitel (Munich, Germany)
Discussion of the Project Application "Evaluating the Teaching of the Medical School of the University of Vienna" (ELM-Project) [ full article, german only ]

Part II:
Reports from and Reflexions upon the Workshop Teaching in Higher Education

Volltext Gerhild Meier (Graz, Austria)
Course Evaluation and the Effect on Teachers and Students - Workshop Report [ full article, german only ]

Volltext Johann Deutsch (Graz, Austria)
What Are We Teaching Medical Students? - Workshop Report [ full article, german only ]

Volltext Wolfgang Prodinger | Evaluation of Exams - Workshop Report[ full article, german only ]

Volltext Franz Ebner | Ernst Hofer (Graz, Austria)
Evaluation of Teaching - Impact on the Carreer?! - Workshop Report[ full article, german only ]

Volltext William Fulton (Vienna, Austria)
How Can We Use Course Evaluations to Improve Teaching and the Curriculum? - Workshop Report[ full article ]

Volltext Gottfried S. Csanyi (Vienna, Austria)
Quality of Meta-Teaching - Evaluation of an Evaluation Workshop[ full article, german only ]

AbstractVolltext Ernst Hofer (Graz, Austria)
Evaluation - Leading to Quality Management in Teaching or to a Onedimensional University?
Personal Reflexions about the Workshop "Quality Management in Medical Teaching"[ full article, german only ]

Part III:
Proposals for the Evaluation of Teaching in Higher Education

Volltext Österreichische Rektorenkonferenz (Vienna, Austria)
Proposal for the Evaluation of the Medical Schools of the Universities of Vienna, Graz, and Innsbruck
full article, german only ]

Volltext Elisabeth Jandl-Jager (Vienna, Austria)
Evaluation of Electives at the University of Vienna School of Medicine
full article, german only ]

AbstractVolltext Johannes Fruhwirth (Graz Austria)
Quality Control Circle
A Tool for Quality Assurance and Improvement of University Course Standards[ full article, german only ]

Volltext Herbert M.S. Jerebic | Johannes Fruhwirth (Graz, Austria)
Elvis and Mozart [ full article, german only ]

AbstractVolltext Lukas Mitterauer (Vienna, Austria)
Evaluation in Higher Education | full article, german only ]

AbstractVolltext Michael Schratz | Quality Assurance of University Teaching by Computer Aided Evaluation (Teaching Evaluation Assistant)[ full article, german only ]

Part IV:
Evaluation of Teaching in Higher Education: Some Examples

AbstractVolltext Gerhard S. Barolin | Medical Teaching - A Distressed Area in Austria!full article, german only ]

AbstractVolltext Birgit Hladschik, Wolfgang Lischka, Georg Weinländer, Martina Hexel und Oskar Frischenschlager | Evaluation of A Practical Course for Students in Psycho-Onkologyfull article, german only ]

AbstractVolltext Marianne Springer-Kremser | Evaluation of the Seminar: "Focal Counselling / Short Term Psychotherapy" | full article, german only ]

AbstractVolltext Anne-Kathrin Hänel, Gertrud Marktl, Gertraud Muhr, Siegmund Reisenzein und Friedrich Sporis | Trial and Error
Problems with the University Entrance Exam: An Evaluation Study[ full article, german only ]

Part V:
General Contributions

AbstractVolltext Gerhard Botz und Gerald Sprengnagel(Salzburg, Austria)
Contemporary History as Multimedia and High-Tech History
Thoughts on Its Implementation in Austrian Universities[ full article, german only ]

Volltext Aurel Botz und Richard März(Vienna, Austria)
Education and Information Technology in the Age of Networks and Multimedia (Report on the LearnTec'95 Conference)[ full article, german only ]


Volltext Niehoff, Jens-Uwe (Ed.):
Sozialmedizin systematisch
(revied by Wintersberger, Barbara , german only)

Volltext Löhmer, Cornelia (Ed.):
Zur Tat befreien. Gesellschaftspolitische Perspektiven der TZI-Gruppenarbeit
(reviewed by Gunhild Sagmeister, german only)

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