Fundamental Considerations of the Evaluation Process: Goals, Validity, and Utility
The course evaluation process is considered from my practical perspective as faculty
coordinator at a private American university in Vienna responsible for administering course
evaluations and using their results to improve teaching effectiveness. In my view, the
primary goals of the evaluation process are to improve teaching, to assess faculty members
in order to decide whether to renew teaching contracts, and to provide information to
students to assist them in making their course selections. The research evidence on the
validity of course evaluation results is reviewed and shown to strongly support the validity
of the process.
It is argued that the course evaluation process provides the foundation for a program of
continuous improvement in teaching, but that the key to success lies in a support system
that helps instructors improve their teaching by providing for their individual information
and training needs. The important thing is to create an organizational culture of continuous
improvement that fosters experimentation and personal development.