Zeitschrift für Hochschuldidaktik Nr. 1-2/1996
Quality of Teaching in Higher Education, Pages: 18-28, Paper in German
Quality Management of Medical Teaching
Improvement of medical teaching is necessary because of structural problems in medical
education. Quality management techniques seem well suited for structural improvements.
Efficiency measurement (evaluation) is the methodological principle of quality management.
The efficiency of any educational intervention serves as decision aid in curricular planning
and instructional design. This article describes the philosophy and implementation of quality
management in an educational reform project in surgery.
The quality management approach led to structural changes in the Munich Curricular
Innovation Project (M-CIP) based on the introduction of three "instructional levels": 1)
theoretically centered studies with audiovisual aids, computer-based learning programs,
tutoring in seminars, 2) skills training, coaching on the job on the ward and in the skills lab,
and 3) training on the job (ward).
The evaluation of this concept yielded outstanding acceptance by the students, learning
outcomes as good as in the traditional track, and a significant intrinsic motivation to learn
and to learn continuously.
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