Zeitschrift für Hochschuldidaktik Nr. 1999/2
Medicine Study 2000
Alternatives for Learning and Assessment, Teaching and Evaluation
Florian EITEL | Arthur TESCHE (Munich, Germany)
Learning medical competence - Physician heal thyself!
There is a broad consensus that the kind
of didactic learning students experience
in traditional curricula does not focus
on developing knowledgeable, empowered, autonomous selfmotivated personalities. This shortcoming requires remedy. Many educators advocate a radical revision of teaching and learning in medical education. The problem is, how
to manage intended curricular changes.This article deals with conceptualisation
of curricular revision using a narrative
approach to summing up our experiences with curricular reform and drawing
conclusions from that in order to provide a framework for planning curricular
For enabling change in medical education we would propose an innovative curricular format called "Evidence-Based
Learning "which resembles quality circle work. It is described in more detail
in this article.
We have evidence that creating an
instructional environment that fosters
students 'experiences of autonomy, selfefficacy and competence, motivates students intrinsically to undertake in-depth
studies which depend upon students '
perception of autonomy and selfefficacy, and feelings of competency and
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