Zeitschrift für Hochschuldidaktik Nr. 2000/4
University Reform - Which Direction to Take?
Comtributions for the Search after an adequate Identity
Friederike HASSAUER (Vienna, Austria)
The Ideal of a Modern University.
Ten Theses regarding Structural Reform of Austrian Universities
Thirsting for knowledge and striving
for cognition as representative goals of
universities requests corresponding modern
institutions. International comparisons
shows Austrian backlog demand
for structural reforms, which should
result in a new scientific system fitting
to this international dialog. A key feature
of this reform is a custom made
autonomous constitution with new,
internationally usual methods of cooperation
and decision finding; are final
concepts of an open 'science space'
(Welzig), including principals of gender
justice similar to established methods
for funding science.
Research, teaching, support of young
scientists, transfer of knowledge to
society - these genuine output of universities
is discussed shortly and a university
with new self-consciousness is
shaped in this way.
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