Zeitschrift für Hochschuldidaktik Nr. 2000/1
Medicine Study 2000
Alternatives for Learning and Assessment, Teaching and Evaluation
Florian EITEL, Jürgen KUPRION, Wolfram ARENDS, Tobias PAYER, Alfred BRÄTH, Elzbieta HORTIG, Arthur TESCHE | Wolf MUTSCHLER (München, Deutschland)
Why we had to get rid of Computer-based Tutorials as part of the syllabus in our Learning Center
In 1989 we sequentially implemented
reformed courses into our curriculum.
Three casebased, interactive, computerized
tutorials (CBT) were developed in
order to support the reform. This case
study reports on a program evaluation
designed as a non-randomized, prospective,
longitudinally comparative survey
by questionnaire on student cohorts'
estimates of their learning processes.
Three CBTs were sequentially implemented
and evaluated as defined learning
environments in a practicum for
surgery in our department's learning
center besides 19 other non-computerized
learning environments up from
winter semester 91/92.
In 1997 students' acceptance and other
quality criteria of our CBTs suddenly
and significantly declined, despite that
CBT had been well accepted from its
inception, and inspite of the fact that the
CBT-learning environment was not
altered. The sudden, distinct and significant
change demonstrated by empirical
results points to multidimensional effects
altering students' perceptions and,
consequently, their ratings.
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