
 ÖGHD projects


Zeitschrift für Hochschuldidaktik Nr. 1999/4
Medicine Study 2000
Alternatives for Learning and Assessment, Teaching and Evaluation

Peter LANGKAFEL (Berlin, Germany) in Zusammenarbeit mit Peppel L, Arnold U, Eisenreich B und Ghani S IMIPPP

International Medical Internet Project of Problembased Pain Management


Content: Synchronous and asynchronous online course via internet for students and young doctors. Collaborative learning. Clinical problems of headache and pain management. Aims: Learning about the medical characteristics and problems of headache and pain. The emphasis is on diagnosis, therapy and solving of group defined problems. Students, tutors, experts and patients from four european countries are online together. Due to the communication in English, language skills can be improved, especially those in written English. Practicing PC communication and detecting the usefulness and limits of it. Methods: We try to emulate the concept of Problem Based Learning (PBL) in an electronic environment. PBL is a learning method for small groups. The aim is to create an environment of active discussion about a given problem and to derive precise questions from the problems experienced. The tutor's task is to facilitate the group process and to provide the group with further information about the patients history, clinical examination, other examinations and therapy. Tutors will not answer to content related problems, though they are supposed to guide.

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