Zeitschrift für Hochschuldidaktik Nr. 1999/2
Medicine Study 2000
Alternatives for Learning and Assessment, Teaching and Evaluation
Christiane SPIEL | Martin GÖSSLER (Graz, Austria)
Universal Criteria of Teaching Effectiveness - A Fiction?
The present study was stimulated by
the fact that in Austria students 'evaluation of courses is regulated by law.The study deals with two questions, (1)
what dimensions students representatively selected for the whole university
use to evaluate courses, and (2) whether
one and the same instrument can applied for all courses, that is, whether
there exist universal criteria of teaching
effectivness. In particular, we investigated whether the factor structure based
on individual students 'ratings can be
replicated in each of the faculties. In
addition, we tried to replicate the factor
structure based on individual students'
ratings using mean ratings of the courses. 756 students from 66 courses at the
university of Vienna were presented
with a new evaluation instrument.
Courses were selected based on a stratified research design. The four factors
identified using the original total sample data could be replicated on the basis
of courses 'means. In contrast, the factor structure is only partly stable across
the faculties. However, the significant
factor Didactic Competence of the
Professor could be replicated in all
faculties under study. The discussion
focuses on consequences for the evaluation of courses.

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