Zeitschrift für Hochschuldidaktik Nr. 2/1994
International Perspectives in Postgraduate Education and Training
Some Prominent Issues in Postgraduate Education in Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom
Increasing interest is being shown in the organization and administration of postgraduate
education in western countries, as shown by publications and research on the topic. This
article discusses some developments, practices, and issues in postgraduate education in
Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom based upon the literature and information
obtained in research projects. Presentation of some fundamental questions is followed by
examination of related prominent issues and practices involving external influences (e.g. ,
research councils) and internal arrangements (e.g. , postgraduate schools). Central concerns
in the three countries, as elsewhere, appear to focus on completion rates; completion
percentages; the quality of programs, supervision, and students; and the costs and benefits
of postgraduate education.
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