Zeitschrift für Hochschuldidaktik Nr. 1/1984
Foreign Language Learning at Universities
Page 43 - 54
Colin Evans (Cardiff, U.K.)
The politics of modern language
The discipline of Modern Languages exists within the University and competes with other disciplines - for students, for resources, for prestige, in the same way that the University competes with other institutions in Society. Within the large group are sub-groups, also competing: two such sub-groups may be called the EFCOMS (who value effective communication) and the PHILIT (who value philology and literature). PHILITS are dominant but need EFCOMS. The competition is necessary for the survival of the large group in a changing environment. However collaboration between the two groups is possible and desirable; this is likely to come about by extending EFCOM values into the teaching of literature and by allowing PHILIT values to humanize language teaching.
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