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Zeitschrift für Hochschuldidaktik Nr. 1-2/1996
Feminist Contexts
Pages: 90-95, Paper in German

Larissa Schindler, Agnieszka Dzierzbicka (Vienna, Austria)

Considering the Institutionalization of a Joint Women's Studies Curriculum


This contribution contains the following important points of discussion:
  • An analysis of Women’s studies at the University of Vienna:
  • Women’s studies is continually threatened by the internal and external politics of the University. Accusations of discriminating against men and the ‘Sparpaket’ (government measures to save) danger the further existence of already long fought for feminist lectures.

  • Possibilities to integrate Women’s sciences into the studies:
  • Elective courses; the possibility to build a main focus; subject exchange and subject combination as a second major.

  • Difficulties of the subject combination Women’s studies:
  • Various policies of the different institutes, dependency of the student on the opinions of the chairman of the study committee, better said he or she who approves the subject combination. Bureaucratic complications in connection with the application for approval of the subject combination.

  • Proposal for change to the policies of the subject combination Women’s studies:
  • Unification of the policies of all the affected institutes to simplify the application and decision process. As well as to open up the same chances for all students. The introduction and set up of Women’s studies as a possible study direction of a subject combination.

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