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Zeitschrift für Hochschuldidaktik Nr. 1999/4
Medicine Study 2000
Alternatives for Learning and Assessment, Teaching and Evaluation

Mark MUMENTHALER (Zurich, Switzerland)

Use of Computers in Medical Education - An Introduction to this Volume


A great part of the contributions for this book are written by a young generation of medical educators for an even younger generation of students. It needs therefore to be justified, that the introductory remarks are written by an old retired professor, whose still active interest in medical education is only a partial legitimation for an active contribution to this volume. There are however a few general and personal arguments to justify the authorship of this brief foreword.

The general argument is a remark by a founder of modern pathology, by Rudolf L. Virchow (1821-1902) who said, that a conference or other contribution to medicine should always also take into consideration the history of the field. The author deducts the personal legitimation for such an historical contribution from his own medical career: he was educated in Italy in a German college, went to medical school in Switzerland, in France and in the Netherlands in four different Universities and had a one year postgraduate training in the United states. He had to learn and teach in 5 different languages. After retirement he had the chance to collaborate with Christian Dätwyler, the Editor of this book, in producing interactive teaching devices for medical students and physicians and therefore has insights in the most recently developed learning techniques. All this lasted nearly 60 years. So the author had the chance to live personally over more than 50 years many educational systems in medicine, to experience their advantages and shortcomes, to compare them, to try them, to like and to dislike them. A short review of this personal experience shall introduce the present volume.

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