
 ÖGHD Projekte


Zeitschrift für Hochschuldidaktik Nr. 1/1997:
Problem-based Learning: Theory, Practice and Research
Artikel in Deutsch

G. Bornhöft, C. Gross-Rollinger, K. Peters | M. Rützler | Problemorientiertes Lernen (POL) im Grundstudium der Humanmedizin an der Universität Witten/Herdecke

Summary (Artikel in Deutsch)

In this article our experiences with problem based learning (PBL) in preclinical training for medicine at the University of Witten/Herdecke will be presented in a problem based manner. After a short discussion of the term “problem based learning³ and after posing the problem as a question: “What have been the effects of PBL and how can they be valued?³ potential answers and further questions will be collected in a brainstorming. The generated aspects will then be subdivided into the following categories with regard to contents: i) learning objectives (e.g., professional and social competence, adaptation of technical skills etc.), ii) aspects of problem based learning (e.g., motivation of students and teachers, gain of knowledge within a practical context, curriculum, tutorial sessions and tutor training), and iii) structural framework (e.g., federal regulations for the training of medical students and examina-tions). From this structure of questions and (potential) answers hypo-theses will be derived, based on previous knowledge. In order to verify the stated hypotheses, further knowledge will be required. A core hypo-thesis will be, that most of our learning objectives can well be accom-plished by PBL. Whether this can be verified or falsified by means available to us, needs to be proven by further analysis and elaboration. Our “learning objective³ is to assess and evaluate in an accurate manner the current state of all components of PBL, including tutorial sessions, curriculum, paper cases and evaluation processes. Elaboration of learn-ing objectives is implemented by work groups and by written and oral interviews of each participating individual. Description and evaluation of these results will constitute the larger part of this article. With respect to the stated learning objectives the main emphasis will be put on the following topics: i) PBL-curriculum (contents of learning as reflected by paper cases), ii) implementation of PBL (tutorials, case related seminars and practical courses, tutor training) and iii) methods of evaluation.

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